Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Hijacked Religion of God

Peace to the world

This is a student of Allah(God) who is willing to share the findings of corruptions of man that hijacked the straight path. The map towards God was not hijacked from the ones that READ, but from the unsuspecting masses that are governed by the corrupt opinions of their corrupt leaders.

My journey is not unique. Probably one has read such stories a thousand times before. Such examples are widely distributed in many scriptures and books of moral guidance. It starts when a person stops for a second and starts to think before acting. When a person questions the beliefs that his/her father and forefathers uphold. It starts when the person points out their hypocrisy and gets labelled as "the rejector that deserves stonning". 

As a student of the major religions of the world, it was clear to me upon reading that there will always be people that would want to make others submit to their desire while there will always be soldiers of God that will strive against any such enslaving corrupt doctrines. My main focus remains Christianity and Islam. What they were about, and what they were turned into by the so called "Alims" of Islam or the "scribes and pharisees" in the language of the Bible.

These 2 religions are competing with each other in the form of debates,dialogues etc. One pointing out towards the corruption of the other one. They so blindly start criticising each other that they barely take the time to pause and reconsider their own status. They common follower of these faiths blndly assume that their "scribes and pharisees" the so called scholars got it all right. The argument being that they are "scholars". It is amazing how they completely ignore the fact that every major religion of the world has tons of scholars. And within a certain sect, scholars vary in opinion, from metaphoric interpretation of the scriptures to the upper extreme of literal interpretation. This alone tells you that the opinion of a scholar can never be labelled as "truth" , the only thing that is acceptable is justification with logic and reasoning, not blind faith on scholars. We did not accept the earth to be geo-spherical because someone scholarly said so, we accepted that because he proved his point with observations that can be tested and reasoning and logic. The worst form of monotheism is where one claims to submit to God alone and yet, the only authority you subscribe to is the opinion of your personal favourite scholar.

In this blog, I shall try my best to expose the hypocrites in the religious world. God willing, that is. My primary focus shall be "word of God vs words of man". I will try to demonstrate how the words of man are obeyed blindly by the masses while unknowingly discarding the words of God. I will demonstrate how people have given more power and authority to the scholars in comparison to God. Yet they claim to be following and worshipping God alone. I shall try my best to expose the devils that run the show in the name of God. It has baffled me to see the same trick of devil being bought by the people over and over again and never learning from their mistakes.

I end this introduction to my blog with a quote from the Holy Qur'an:

"Say: O people of the Book, let us come to a common understanding between us and between you; that we serve none except God, and that we do not set up anything with Him, and that none of us takes each other as patrons besides God. If they turn away, then say: ?ear witness that we have submitted." [Qur'an 03:64 ]

----------------------------------------------------- Student of Allah