This Student of Allah would like to make clear the issues of this post. It is well known in the traditional islamic zone that we need hadiths to explain Qur'an. One of the biggest reason quoted by the scholars/sheikhs/imams is that the Qur'an lacks in clarity and details. So, hadiths are used to explain the Qur'an. As for me, the common sense approach stops anything unprotected by God to be used to explain the Qur'an. If you cant explain the Qur'an using the Qur'an, it is very doubtful in my view. That is too dishonest a thing to do. But today, we will let the Qur'an speak about itself. After all, if God wrote a book, wouldn't He be smart enough to make it sufficient for you ? Lets look at what God had to say on the issue:
"Alif Laam Mim, a kitaab(book) whose ayaats (verses/signs) are perfected and explained in detail- from One Who is wise, informed"
[Qur'an 11:01]
"....We have detailed the ayaats for people who remember."
[Qur'an 06:126]
"And We had certainly brought them a kitaab(book) which We detailed by knowledge - as guidance and mercy to a people who believe."
[Qur'an 07:52]
"Know that Allah revives the earth/land after it had died. We have made clear Our ayaats (verses/signs) for you, that you may understand."
[Qur'an 57:17]
"This Qur'an could not have been produced without Allah; but it is a confirmation for what was before it, and to give details of the kitaab in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds."
[ Qur'an 10:37]
"And when Our clear ayaats were recited to them, those who do not wish to meet us said: 'Bring a Qur'an other than this, or change it !!' Say:' It is not for me to change it of my own accord, I simply follow what is inspired to me. I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the retribution of a great day !' "
[Qur'an 10:15]
So we see that God Himself perfected and detailed the kitaab with His knowledge. However, there are people who wants to change it or use some other kitaab (example: Bukhari/Abu dawood/etc). Let us look further into what God had to say:
"Ha mim. A revelation from the Almighty, the Merciful. A kitaab(book) whose ayaats are detailed, an Arabic Qur'an for a people who know. A bearer of good news, and a warner. But most of them turn away; they do not hear."
[Qur'an 41:01-04]
"Thus We have sent down clear ayaats and Allah guides whoever He wishes."
[ Qur'an 22:16]
"In their stories is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. It is not a narration tha has been invented, but an authentication of the existing, and a detail explanation of all things, and a guidance and a mercy for people those who believe."
[Qur'an 12:111]
"And the Day We send to every nation a witness against them from themselves, and We have brought you as a witness against these. and We have sent down to you the Book as a clarification for all things, and a guidance and a mercy and good tidings to those who have submitted."
[Qur'an 16:89]
"And We have repeated for humankind, in this Qur'an, every kind of example, but the majority of humankind do not consent to anything but denying."
[Qur'an 17:89]
"And We have certainly presented for the people in this Qur'an from every example- that they might remember."
[Qur'an 39:27]
So God sends a book as clarification of all things, not a few, all things. Everything He wanted to address. However, we keep on rejecting that he explained and detailed. God surely states that he presented from every example but most would deny, do you deny ? Atleast the traditionalist scholars do deny. Let us look further.
"Say: 'Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He produced for His servants and the good things of His providing ? ' Say: These are meant for those who believe during worldy lives, and such on the day of ressurection, will only be for those who believed during the life of the world. Thus do We detail our ayaats for people who have knowledge."
[Qur'an 07:32]
"Surely those who conceal what We have sent down to them of the clarities and the guidance, after We had made it clear for the people in the kitaab(book); these will be cursed by Allah and be cursed by those who curse."
[Qur'an 02:159]
Very stong words in the above ayaat. When you say that God did not clarify for you His ayaats, in the above ayaat, we see that God curses such people and says that such people deserve cursing by those who curse. Yet would you say that God didnt clarify his ayaats because you cant find your innovations in His book ?
"Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Kitaab(book) that is being recited to them ? In that is a mercy and reminder for people who believe."
[Qur'an 29:51]
So, wasnt this book enough for you too ??? If you say yes, you have to discard the hadiths that you inject into the book. If you say no, you are against this ayaat. So far, I have presented my views using the Qur'an, the highest source in the islamic world. What do we call someone who would reject these statements of God that I presented for the sake of worshipping Bukhari ? Let us see how my Lord puts the same question in His grand style:
"These are the ayaats of Allah that We recite to you with truth. In what Hadith(hadythim) after Allah and His ayaats do you believe ?"
[ Qur'an 45:06]
As for me, after Allah and His ayaats, I do not believe in any other narrations/hadiths. But the question is , do you ? What is your justification ? My justification is:
"Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the Book fully detailed? Those to whom We have given the Book know it is sent down from your Lord with the truth; so do not be of those who have doubt."
[Qur'an 6:114]
No, I do not seek others as judge when the Lord of the universe has already given me a fully detailed Book. :) The question is, do you ?
--------------------------------- Student of Allah
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