Monday, 2 April 2012

Which is the best creation of God ?

Peace to the world,

We who believe in God, attribute ownership of all creations to God. As muslims, we believe that God created many things. However, the virus of arrogance is present in us. We want to believe that we are the center of attraction and the universe is there for us only. A traditional muslim is made to believe that us humans are "THE BEST OF CREATION", or as it is traditionally stated "Ashraf-ul-maqlukat". Since we love to be pampered, most of us never bother criticising this belief. On top of that, we have the mullahs/sheikhs/imams/scholars constantly ensuring us that we are indeed the best.

Is it really the case ? Human beings are the best of Allah's creations ? The rapist that raped a child and then brutally murdered her is unfortunately a human being too. Does this not bother you ? How on earth does being born out of the womb of a homosapien (human) qualify you to be "THE BEST" ?

Planets orbiting the Sun according to the laws of the creator are inferior infront of you, for what ? What makes you The Best when those planets are doing some real work to prove their qualifications ? God gives a Book and most get busy breaking every rule of the Book , is that what makes us The Best ? I dont know about you, but that title makes no sense to me. It is a very arrogant and delusional idea that human beings are "The Best of all creation". I grew up knowing that humans are really the best of all creations according to God. But as I started reading the Qur'an, it was made plain to me. God never said so. Infact, what He said was:

"As for those who believe and do good works, they are the best of creation. "

[ Qur'an 98:07]

So, you believing alone is not enough. You need to be righteous, do good to have any chance of being the best of creation. But who listens to Allah/God ? After all, your scholars studied so much, they cant be wrong. Allah protected his kitaab for you, this should have been your furqaan (critereon), but why will you use it when you have other man made books to decide for you. After all, no matter how much traditional muslims say that Qur'an is their number one source, simple questioning of ANY thing reveals that Qur'an is the last place where they get their religion from.

Just incase you still doubt about what I just said about being the best, here is another ayaat(sign/verse) from the Qur'an:

"And We have honored the Children of Adam and carried them in the land and the sea, and We have provided for them of the good things, and We have preferred them over many of those We created in a marked preference."
[ Qur'an 17:70]

The next time your favourite sheikh boasts about being the best , ask him/her to explain the highlighted part of the ayaat. God preferred children of Adam over "many", which means that he did not prefer us over "all".

I hope that God increases us in knowledge and understanding and guides us all to His straight path.
Feel free to comment or criticize.

Peace be on you

-------------------------- Student of Allah